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Re: Bug#234477: ITP: logsurfer+ -- real-time system log monitor

Scripsit sean finney <seanius@seanius.net>

> > You'll need to get them to grant permission to distribute modified
> > copies; re-licensing it under the 3-clause BSD or MIT/X licenses (which
> > are both DFSG-free and GPL-compatible) would work, and sound like they
> > do what upstream wants, anyway.

> if the code includes gpl source code, doesn't that mean the code has to
> be GPL'd too?

No, it only has to be offered under a license that gives all of the
freedoms that the GPL gives. It is OK to use a more permissive
license, as long as it is GPL compatible.

Henning Makholm             "Jeg forstår mig på at anvende sådanne midler på
                           folks legemer, at jeg kan varme eller afkøle dem,
                    som jeg vil, og få dem til at kaste op, hvis det er det,
                  jeg vil, eller give afføring og meget andet af den slags."

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