Re: BOINC packaging
>>>>> "Anthony" == Anthony DeRobertis <> writes:
Anthony> On Dec 27, 2003, at 01:06, Karl Chen wrote:
>> Current BOINC applications (SETI@home, Astropulse - of
>> which I am a developer) are GPL but are not of much use
>> without BOINC. Would they go in 'contrib' for now?
Anthony> If they are linked against BOINC, they will need GPL
Anthony> exception clauses, or they can't be distributed at
Anthony> all. If you can add that, then they can go in contrib
Anthony> (and boinc in non-free).
The BOINC core client and SETI@home and Astropulse are all
separate executables. But there is a small BOINC API library that
SETI@home and Astropulse each link against. Is that OK?
Anthony> This is really an appropriate topic for the
Anthony> debian-legal mailing list.
Sorry; thanks for redirecting me.
Karl 2003-12-31 19:28
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