Status of new LPPL version?
Dear all,
does anybody know what is going to happen with regard to LPPL-1.3, and
in which timeline? The latest mails I found were
(a new draft)
and two analyses by Branden Robinson, with one follow-up by Frank
I would be glad to be pointed to some place where I can find further
information on that. The actual reason why I looked for it is that I am
thinking of incorporating some code from a GPL'ed LaTeX add-on package
into mine, but do not want to license mine under GPL, but rather under a
DFSG-free LPPL. I guess it will be much easier to convince the author to
re-license his package if I can tell him that LPPL is also DFSG-free.
Thank you, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie
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