Re: Requirements for non-free?
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Steve Langasek <> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 01:56:34PM +0100, Frank Küster wrote:
>> I guess that permission to distribute would have to include permission
>> to distribute further modified versions, like security fixes, ASAP
>> without further contact to the authors. Permission for _anybody_ to
>> redistribute it is not necessary for non-free, right?
> Permission for others to distribute is not required, no.
> Permission to make security fixes is not required, either (we distribute
> some binary-only packages in non-free), though I don't imagine the
> Security Team will love you for adding more such packages to the
> archive.
I wouldn't want that, too.
>> But, most importantly, who is "The Debian Project", which would be
>> granted the permission, in this sense? Everybody who runs a server with
>> a * DNS name? Or are there more complete mirrors than these?
>> Or are the administrators of mirrors not responsible at all, but only
>> ftp-master? To whom would a written letter have to be addressed?
> In effect, permission would have to be granted to our complete mirror
> network, which includes many sites not under the domain,
> often run by people not directly affiliated with Debian.
So I will ask him to use the term "complete Debian mirror
network". Thank you very much,
- --
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie
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