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Re: [fielding@apache.org: Review of proposed Apache License, version 2.0]

Jennifer Machovec, who's drafting the license, posted a new
version to license@apache.org on November 13. You can read it at
http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/ ReadMsg?listName=license@apache.org&msgNo=24

Correction: Jennifer Machovec is not drafting the license.  She is an
attorney at IBM who submitted comments on behalf of IBM.

I am drafting the license on behalf of the ASF.  I will most likely
include the changes that IBM suggested, assuming that there aren't
any more objections.  We've already gone through several iterations
on the patent sentences, mostly to deal with derivative work, so it
isn't too surprising that we need to scale it back again.

FYI, prior to a couple months ago, Drew Wright was representing IBM
and made many suggestions to improve the license.  I have also had
discussions with folks from Apple, Sun, Mozilla, OSI, FSF, and a few
independent attorneys.  The hope is that the license will be reviewed
by all of the companies that use Apache software, since that is less
expensive than us hiring a couple thousand IP lawyers.


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