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Re: solution to GFDL and DSFG problem (dadadodo at work?)

On Sun, Sep 28, 2003 at 05:46:30AM -0400, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
> Branden, this level of email forging skills is completely unacceptable
> from someone as nefarious as yourself. I request --- no, demand --- that
> you take a few days to "edumacate" yourself on this matter. I mean,
> really, the only way you could of done worse would be to sign the damn
> thing.
> PS: Was that dadadodo?
> http://www.google.com/search?q=

You don't even have to go through that much of a hassle.

Old-Return-Path: branden@deadbeast.net


Wouter Verhelst
Debian GNU/Linux -- http://www.debian.org
Nederlandstalige Linux-documentatie -- http://nl.linux.org
"Stop breathing down my neck." "My breathing is merely a simulation."
"So is my neck, stop it anyway!"
  -- Voyager's EMH versus the Prometheus' EMH, stardate 51462.

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