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Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

* Rick Moen (rick@linuxmafia.com) [030907 07:05]:
> Quoting Andreas Barth (aba@not.so.argh.org):

> > You are mistaken. Your statement is not true for parts of this world
> > (but it may be true for other parts of the world). For example in
> > Germany you're always making a contract, even with GPL.

> I have no doubt you are correct -- but I had in mind the overwhelming
> majority of jurisdictions that have copyright regimes in line with the
> Berne Convention and that lack such additions.

Making a contract is no violation of the Berne Convention (and
"contract" doesn't mean you have always to sign anything). There are
different ways to implement the rules of the Berne Convention, and
there are a lot of countries who did the way Germany did. And a lot of
countries with another way. We live in a true multilateral world, at
least within Debian.

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