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Re: Is the GNU FDL a DFSG-free license?

I have said this several times before, and I'll try just once more,
because it is clearly not getting through to you.

On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 01:28:29PM +0200, Joerg Wendland wrote:
> The point is, I think that there are circumstances where having
> invariant sections are _necessary_.

Yes, there are occasions when you want an invariant piece of text, and
there exists text which is clearly not software, and sometimes it is
necessary to shoot people.

What has any of this got to do with Debian?

You have singularly failed to describe any scenario where
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needs to contain an invariant section.

> When I am writing a report with a
> conclusion that contains my very personal opinion, I as the author do
> not want anybody to change that section, write anything into it that I
> do not agree with. The readers of that modified version will think it is
> my opinion they are reading thouhg it is not and may be even contrary to
> mine. What does that mean? When I am free to say what I want (freedom of
> speech, one of our highest goals!) I do want to keep to my words and do
> not want anybody to put words in my mouth I would never say.

Sure, I'll accept that. It's completely irrelevant. Your report does
not belong in Debian. It belongs on your web server.

I do not think that the DFSG-freeness, or otherwise, of things which
are not and will not be in Debian are any concern of this list.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
 : :' :  http://www.debian.org/ |
 `. `'                          |
   `-             -><-          |

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