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Re: Should our documentation be free? (Was Re: Inconsistencies in our approach)

On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 05:08:36PM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
> Anyway, even if this was the 'solution', we still *must* kick the GCC 
> and GNU Emacs manuals out of main.
> I don't understand why that hasn't been done yet.

Cowardice, and the (apparently) delusional belief that further
negotiation with the FSF on this issue will be fruitful.

I am pretty sure now that the best way to budge the FSF from its
deference to RMS on this subject is to encourage a defection from the
GNU FDL by the contributors to the GNU Project.

In other words, while explusion of the GNU FDL-licensed material from
Debian main may be the only ethical course of action left to us, I don't
think it of itself will be sufficient to get the problems with the GNU
FDL to figure prominently in the FSF's field of view.  Morever, I
question whether the FSF holds an institutional belief that the Debian
Project really represents a significant portion of the Free Software
community.  They've ignored Debian before and they can do it again.

So, while I encourage the course of action you are proposing, I do not
think it is wise for people to hold the belief that Debian throwing down
the gauntlet will be the straw that breaks the gnu's back on this issue.
People should not support this action because they believe it will lead
to an immediate resolution that will result in a DFSG-free GNU Emacs
manual ending up back in main shortly afterwards.  While that's an
outcome to be earnestly hoped for, it's not one to be counted on, in my

Furthermore, taking this action with such a goal would be close to take
it to spite the FSF; and since, in my judgment, the onerous clauses of
the GNU FDL primarily exist to spite Tim O'Reilly, it would be
hypocritical for us to act with that motivation.

G. Branden Robinson                |    A celibate clergy is an especially
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    good idea, because it tends to
branden@debian.org                 |    suppress any hereditary propensity
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    toward fanaticism.    -- Carl Sagan

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