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Re: msession copyright

On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 01:27:29PM +0200, Joerg Wendland wrote:
> "contributions:
>  This library remains the property of Mark L. Woodward. No
>  contributions will be accepted without all rights being transferred.
>  If you make a contribution, it will remain available as part of
>  the public version of this library, but since this library is used
>  as the basis for "for profit" work done by Mohawk Software, it is not
>  possible for a waiver on the GPL status unless the library is completely
>  owned by Mohawk Software."
> Now my understanding is this: you can use the software without
> limitations under the terms of the LGPL. But if you want changes
> included upstream you have to transfer your rights to Mohawk. Do I read
> that correctly and is this a problem with respect to the DFSG?

I don't think this is a DFSG problem.  It's already been pointed out that
the FSF wants the same thing, and I'll add another thing: Nothing in the
DFSG forces upstream authors to accept your contributions under any
circumstances - it merely ensures that you can fork the software if upstream
doesn't want your patches.

This contributions section is basically saying up-front under which
circumstances patches may be accepted.  It would probably cool my ardour to
work on the library if I were to read that paragraph, but I commend the
author's candor in stating his conditions up-front.

In short, I see nothing DFSG-non-free in the licence.

- Matt

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