ok mplayer 0.90-2 is in deb http://tonelli.sns.it/pub/mplayer ./ changes: --CSS-- it does not contain CSS code now it uses libdvdread for reading DVDs, that will in turn dl-open libdvdcss (for people brave enought to install it by using the convenient script in libdvdread itself ;-) ) --FFMpeg-- subdir 'libavcodec' is from FFMpeg I have read http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=199266 and someone says that source code may be distributed, while binaries that implement _encoding_ may be a problem the binary package of mplayer 0.90-2 does not contain the 'mencoder' (since 'lame' is not in Debian, it would be quite useless...) it seems also that, up to today, the patents in FFMPeg were never enforced on binaries that just do _decoding_ (and actually, binary codecs for decoding are freely downloadable from the author companies themselves) ---- the doc files were modified as suggested by Adam Warner ---- it is now packaged as a Debian-native, that is, w/o diff, since I have deleted much code from the upstream tarball I am also considering the idea of calling the package 'mplayer-' to stress the fact that it is a lesser version than the upstream ---- so please review the package and tell me if this may be fit for Debian (and thanks for the time) a. -- Andrea Mennucc "E' un mondo difficile. Che vita intensa!" (Tonino Carotone)
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