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Re: GNU FDL 1.2 draft comment summary posted, and RFD

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 12:16:56PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 09:56:13PM -0700, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> > If the original image is an XCF that takes advantage of features,
> > like layers, that PNG does not support, then sure I'd ideally
> > want the original XCF if I was going to modify the icons.
> > Similarly, some documents have features that get lost in
> > translation from one format to another.  If the original is in
> > Texinfo and I only get a version in HTML, then there's going to
> > be information lost.  Less drastically, I'm sure there are
> > features in each of, say, DocBook, Texinfo, and LaTeX that are
> > not present in the other two formats, so that for modification
> > the original format is preferred.

> > I like the way the GPL defines source: "preferred form of the
> > work for making modifications to it".

> I sympathize with Joe's position to some extent, but I agree with Colin
> and Ben.  Moreoever, it's far too easy to abuse this latitude.  Just
> because a format is "open" doesn't mean it can't be obfuscated.

> Take, for example, the binary-only firmware in some Linux kernel
> modules.  I don't know how they're licensed, exactly, but even if
> they're licensed under MIT/X11 terms that's not good enough for
> practical purposes.  Machine code may be an "open" format but it's too
> hard to work with.  Assembly language isn't, if it was written in that
> form, especially since assembly tends to be very heavily documented
> (otherwise, the programmer gets lost).

OTOH, "preferred form of the work for making modifications to it" is not
always the same thing as "original source form of the work", because
*preferences* are subjective.  I may receive a copylefted document in
LaTeX format, but because I'm not comfortable with working in that
format, I use one of the many available tools to convert it to XML (or
God forbid, PDF) before making my own changes to it.  Should I then be
obliged to redistribute the original LaTex document that I received
under a copyleft license?

Analogy in the coding world:  if there's a particular function (C file,
library, etc. -- whatever the basic unit is that we'd like to consider)
that's being poorly optimized by the compiler, and I reimplement it in
assembly because I know better, should I be required to distribute the
original C source, or can I toss it?  Personally, I think anyone who
takes a piece of portable code and modifies it to be
architecture-dependent is a jerk, but I'm not sure that opinion should
have the force of law.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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