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Re: three send back changes clauses

On Fri, 25 May 2001, Walter Landry wrote:

>> >; 2.  Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
>> >; return to me any improvements or extensions that they make, so that
>> >; these may be included in future releases; and (b) to inform me of
>> >; noteworthy uses of this software.
>> The B section here really is outside the bounds of a copying license.  It
>> doesn't make it non-free, just adds a trivial requirement that would be
>> better phrased as a request.
>I don't agree.  This puts a restriction on _users_.  This means that
>it can't be used in the NSA, FBI, Los Alamos, typical Silicon Valley
>startups, or any other place that doesn't let people talk about what
>they do.  That violates DFSG#6: No Discrimination Against Fields of

You're right, though in context, classification is enough to foil "best
effort".  Basically, the weasel words come to the rescue again.

>Walter Landry


You have paid nothing for the preceding, therefore it's worth every penny
you've paid for it: if you did pay for it, might I remind you of the
immortal words of Phineas Taylor Barnum regarding fools and money?

Who is John Galt?  galt@inconnu.isu.edu, that's who!

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