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(un)published works and email re: Email Archive Request

Martin Luther King Jr.' s estate brought a successful claim of infringment for his "I have a dream speech" on the basis that it was "unpublished" within the meaning of hte statute.

I wonder if the string of cases for defamation/tort for Email's (seems like AOL was implicated in one suit) don't mention unpublished copyrighted works in the email list context??

<sam@uchicago.edu> --

Note that transfer is required, and public preformance does not
qualify.  Also note that the legislative history makes clear that
broadcast does not qualify as publication.
I would disagree with it, but I think a serious case could be made
that emails send to mailing lists are unpublished, and merely
publically preformed.  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any
court cases dealing with email.

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