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Re: newsgate non-free?

On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 01:05:54PM -0600, Walter Landry wrote:
> no problem and it can go into main.  However, there has to be explicit
> permission for every file.  Copyright exists even if not explicitly
> stated.  If there is a file or group of files that does not have
> permission, then debian can not distribute it at all.  It can't even
> go in non-free.  If there is some useful subset that does have these
> permissions, then debian can distribute that.

All of the files in the package that do include some statement about
copying indicate that they may be freely distributed/copied.  However,
it may be the case that not all files have explicit permissions, in
which case, as you say, the package can't even go in non-free.  I will
further examine the matter.

That would be unfortunate indeed.


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