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Re: KDE not in Debian?

On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 01:46:45AM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
>     (a) copyright law prevents copying of protected works without
>     permission from the copyright holder; (b) that permission to copy can
>     be given in a document, whether it is called a "license" or a
>     "permission notice" or whatever, so long as in substance it permits
>     copying; (c) if someone grants such permission, you can only copy in
>     compliance with the grant of permission; (d) XFree grants permission
>     to copy the code "subject to the following conditions: The above
>     copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
>     copies or substantial portions of the Software." (e)  The reference
>     to "this permission notice" in the above quote is to the license,
>     called a "permission notice" in the XFree source code files, which
>     permits copying XFree in the first place.  (f)  By requiring you to
>     include the license in the XFree code you distribute, that means that
>     license applies to the XFree code (but not any additional code) which
>     you distribute.  (g)  XFree code, or substantial portions thereof,
>     can only be redistributed under the XFree license.  (h) If someone
>     adds code to XFree, they are free to license it under whatever terms
>     they choose, including a proprietary license, since XFree does not
>     have any requirements for code added to XFree by a third party.  (i)
>     Point (h) above does not, however, change the license of the XFree
>     code, it only changes the permissions on the combined code.

All correct, with the nitpicky point of s/XFree/XFree86/.

But how you get from here to "the XFree86 [MIT] license is incompatible
with the GPL" is quite beyond me.

Kindly explain in words of one syllable, and please make an effort to keep
your reply under 100 lines.

And, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, please get your line lengths under

G. Branden Robinson            |     To stay young requires unceasing
Debian GNU/Linux               |     cultivation of the ability to unlearn
branden@ecn.purdue.edu         |     old falsehoods.
roger.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |     -- Robert Heinlein

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