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Re: GPL'ed libs -- oil and water?

On 10-May-2000 Raul Miller wrote:
> On Wed, May 10, 2000 at 12:05:06AM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
>> If I write a program that links to a GPL'ed library, what licenses may I
>> use?
>> Am I "stuck" with the GPL?
> You can use anything that isn't more restrictive than the GPL.  [However,
> as long as your program incorporates GPLed code, distribution of the
> binaries -- or any other form of the whole thing, like the complete
> source -- must happen under GPLed terms.]
> So, you could use the BSD or X licenses for example.  In either of these
> cases the license on the code you would write could become proprietary,
> but until the GPLed code is replaced you couldn't actually have working
> copies of the proprietary code.
> Is that what you're trying to do?  [Use GPLed libs in the development
> of code that can become proprietary?]

No, I am not writing proprietary code.  Never have, hope I never will.  The
situation is this:

there is a bsd licensed library I am helping to create (existing code was bsd
and other authors want to keep it that way).  I want to write an application
that uses this library and a GPL'ed library.  My goal was to license my app
under the BSD and I wanted to ensure that I was able to and not see the "viral"
side of the GPL.

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