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Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 12:00:51PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
> But your remark reveals an interesting line of thought, one that would
> never have occurred to me. It considers any inconvenience, caused to
> the recipients by having to distribute sources, not as an inevitable
> by-product of having to abide by the conditions of the licence, but
> rather as a condition that in and by itself is necessary for the
> legality of the distribution. This raises the further question as to
> how much inconvenience is necessary for that legality.

It's not inconvenience that's relevant.

What's relevant is what the distributor intended to distribute, and what
decisions are available to the end user.

If the distributor intends to distribute a working copy of kghostview and
the end user has only one option -- which involves libqt -- in receiving
that working copy, in that case there's not much of a legal question
about what's going on.


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