Re: Corel's apt frontend
On Sun, Oct 31, 1999 at 01:28:39AM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
> If I sold a cdrom which played music, and the music it played was a few
> bars of my own and some hit single I picked up from a music store, I'd
> have to have a legal right to sell that hit single.
A better analogy might be if that cdrom automatically went over to the next CD
and played a track from it mid-song. Could the copyright holders of the next
CD have any control over you selling a CD that does that?
As someone pointed out, this would prohibit you from running perl from bash,
or running bash from a non-GPL x-terminal or any GPL program on a
proprietary X server. Those would be the same sort of aggretion as get_it
calling dpkg.
David Starner -
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