Re: NEC Licence (Work of US Gov. Employees)
ok, here's a thought:
posit: if a work is a product of the us government, it is in the public
thus, anybody can reuse and relicence it in any way one wishes.
for instance, you could grab any us government produced software and gpl it
(or whatever lese you like) for a debian package.
if i'm wrong here, and it has to stay in pd or some such, then a copyright
file with "this work is a product of the us government, and as such is not
copyrighted; anyone may use, modify, and distribute it in any way." should
suffice. even a disclaimer of warranty if you want, in particular as ppl
might (won't, but in theory might) try to weasel cash from you as packager /
maintainer which could (again, won't, but could) be construed to imply a
"For a price I'd do about anything, except pull the trigger: for that I'd
need a pretty good cause" -- Queensryche, "Revolution Calling"
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