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Re: Disabling autoload of wlan module?

On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 02:44:15 +0200, Thomas Neumann wrote:
> hiya
> (Short version: How do I disable the autoloading of ipw2200 without 
>                 crippling my system?)
> Okay, I have a nice little netenv setup on my laptop which lets me  
> choose between a dhcp-, a wlan-, a static network configuration and
> none at all. The latter one is specifically for working outdoor.
> In a quest to reduce power consumption I am trying to disable the  
> loading of ipw2200 except when explicitely loading netenv/wlan.
> (Calling `modprobe ipw2200` at the appropriate place)
> Things that didn't work at all:


> Things that did work:
> ´---------------------------------------------
> | install ipw2200 /bin/true
> `-- /etc/modutils/local-powersave
> Too well. Well the module wasn't autoloaded, but manual loading isn't  
> possible either. Obviously.

I think that

modprobe --ignore-install ipw2200

should work to load the module manually. Maybe that is an acceptable
workaround, in combination with keeping the "... /bin/true" directive in
the configuration file.

> I'm looking for a nice and clean way to disable autoloading. Just
> autoloading. I do not want to remove the module from the kernel tree
> because I need it from time to time. I do not like to do an rmmod,
> because that feels like a kludge.
> So - how do you guy do this? How to propery load/not load modules
> based (loosely) on your environment?
> SystemFacts: - Kernel 2.6.24 & 2.6.25, custom config - Debian Etch -
> udev, discover (unmodified) - netenv, dhcp3-client, wpa_supplicant
> (unmodified)

Regards,            | http://users.icfo.es/Florian.Kulzer
          Florian   |

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