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Problem configuring reverse proxy on apache2.2

Hello List,
I encountered some problems while trying to configure the apache 2.2 modules reverse proxy ajp,http and ssl on a Debian Etch.
Here is what I've done:

ProxyRequests Off

        <Proxy *>
                AddDefaultCharset off
                Order deny,allow
                Allow from all

ProxyVia On
ProxyPass /toto
ProxyPassReverse /toto

I saved and restarted apache (/etc/init.d/apache2 restart)

I get the following error message, but apache still starts  (mais apache demarre quand meme)

Forcing reload of web server (apache2)...apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

Now, if I query he gets me to the right page, but:
Furthermore, if I click on a local link on the forwarded page he tries to redirect to where he isn't alowed to of course.

Now, I have some questions:
I tried to get the logs, but no error message in /var/log/apache2.

Does someone has an idea?


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