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Re: "Sarge": Acer 5002WMLI +DLINK G604T wireless router = monstrous headache

I am sending this message from an Acer 5002 WLMi with Debian through
wireless (using a Linksys router).
The first difference I see, between your configuration and mine, is that
I am using the "bcmwl5" driver (without the "a").
Worth a try.


sjb wrote:

>If anyone can solve this riddle, they will win a prize. :)
>The wireless chip is a Broadcom 4318-series, used with bcmwl5a.
>Am attempting to get the above laptop to communicate with the above
>router. The router works for *non* wireless, (am connected to it now
>via LAN), without trouble. However,
>I cannot, despite hours of configuration, tweaking, reading,
>double-checking and note-taking, get the above combination to work.
>The wireless chip is working by itself: drivers load, hardware's
>present, an inet6 addy is even assigned. However, it cannot get a
>DHCPOFFER from the router. There are, from what I can gather, 4
>variables pertaining to this:
>1) The router is *not* ipv6-capable (we're Down Under - inet6 isn't
>used here yet). Yes, there are tunnels: 2 of them. I would like only
>one, but then ioctl won't let me remove either of them.
>2) The tunnels both read as ip6-over-ip4, which is fine. The one in
>use, under ifconfig, always reports errors, though TX, RX, etc. remain
>at 0. I'm still trying to find out why this is so.
>3) Attempts to turn wlan0 on at boot result in System Tools ->
>Networking and System Tools -> Network Tools almost always crashing.
>Again, I have no idea why this is so.
>Ndiswrapper loads the appropriate driver at boot, everthing looks great.
>4) I cannot get
>        iwlist wlan0 scan
>to print out a blessed thing. It says: no scan results. Yet iwconfig
>wlan0 prints out everything except essid, ap, and an ipv4 address.
>These, btw, are unable to be set via iwconfig.
>At this point, I don't know if the chipset has died (the system's only
>6 months old, and rarely (and gently) used, or if there's a switch I
>don't know about to turn wlan0 on, or what.
>Thanks for any help you can give...

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