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Re: Booting from an USB stick

Am Freitag, 20. Januar 2006 17:13 schrieb Max Moritz Sievers:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to boot a Thinkpad X32 from an USB stick. I tried many
> combinations described on
> http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/sarge/main/installer-i386/current/doc/ma
> The most advanced messages were
>   MBR 123FA:
> and
>   MBR
>   Boot failed
> Does anybody know what that means?

I have now an idea:

The first message (MBR 123FA:) means that syslinux is working. Normally one 
can choose which system to boot at this stage. But in my situation no key 
pressing has any effect.

The second message is generated with an USB key with
  install-mbr /dev/sda1

If I just follow the »the easy way« (in the cited documentation) I get the 
  Boot failed

So I think the problem is that the installer files do work for me:

Do you have any hints for me what I could try in addition? 

Max Moritz Sievers

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