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RE: Debian repair reload drama howto?



1.	downloaded, uncompressed, installed to floppy, tomsrtbt
2.	booted box off tomsrtbt floppy
3.	fdisk -l (to see which device is boot and which is /)
4.	mkdir rootpartition
5.	mount /dev/hda1 /rootpartition
6.	cat /rootpartition/etc/fstab (to see if /boot, /usr, /var, etc. are on
other partitions)
7.	mount /dev/hda3 /rootpartition/home/share
8.	vi /etc/fstab
a.	added lines:
b.	/dev/hda1 /rootpartition ext2 1 1
c.	/dev/hda3 /rootpartition/home/share ext2 1 1
9.	cat /etc/fstab (to check vi)
10.	mount -a
11.	chroot /rootpartition /sbin/lilo -q
12.	man chroot
13.	chroot /rootpartition /sbin/lilo
a.	Warning: '/proc/partitions' does not exist, disk scan bypassed
b.	Added Linux *
c.	Skipping vmlinuz.old
14.	exit
15.	hard reboot

SUCCESS! Now I don't have to recreate my CUPS, SWAT, fileshare, and SAMBA
WiNS and PDCE stuff!
Thanks for the pointers, great ideas, and bonus info

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