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For all users of the Asus M6000N series of laptops...

Those of you who own a laptop from the M6000N series
probably are well aware of the poor state of ACPI in
linux. In order to have ACPI function, one is required
to use a custom DSDT table, and in some cases patch
the kernel.

This is because the M6000N series of Asus laptops has
a faulty DSDT table on the BIOS, requiring the user to
manually edit the DSDT table to allow ACPI to

A petition to fix the DSDT table, among other serious
issues, has been started by Herman (of the famed Linux
on M6N forums-

If you're interested in helping out by signing it, go
to http://www.petitiononline.com/M6NBIOS/petition.html
and let Asus know you want a fix now!

Mike Glukhovsky

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