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Re: Good cell phone to use as modem with Debian? cable? bluetooth?

On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 09:04:38PM -0500, A. F. Cano wrote:
> I started with a careful look at the LG VX8100 and Motorola E815.
> Given that these phones have bluetooth, I figured I'd use that to
> connect the phone to the laptop instead of having to buy a $50
> data cable every time verizon forces me to upgrade or the phone dies
> and is no longer available/supported.  This might also be useful to
> not have to buy a new headset (assuming compatible protocols) with
> every phone change.
> So the first question is: is it possible to use the bluetooth
> connection to establish a ppp connection between the debian laptop
> and these phones? any other phones?
> I have serial ports on both laptops I use (Dell 8600 and IBM thinkpad
> 600E) so if I have to buy a cable it would be a serial cable, unless
> it is preferable/easy/possible to use USB cable with Debian and a cell
> phone.  Has anyone done this?

I haven't tried it, but I understand that with a USB cable you can access
the phone like a modem on /dev/acm0. 

> Is anyone using one of these phones with Debian? as a modem? how do you
> transfer files (pictures, mp3, phone lists) given the sorry state of
> the crippled bluetooth software?  Is bluetooth crippled on every
> verizon phone?  Is there a way to change this?
> I have a PDA (Handera) that I keep synced with kpilot and the IR port.
> Is it possible to sync the phone list to these phones? how? If not
> these phones, what verizon-compatible phones do people use that can
> do this?  I'd rather not re-enter every phone number manually.
> IR seems to be falling by the wayside...

Verizon's LG VX8100 is supported by bitpim <http://www.bitpim.org> which
works nicely on Debian (You'll need alien to convert the rpms). Bitpim is
FOSS (GPL) and will handle some or all of the above tasks, depending upon
the phone model. See the online help for a table of exactly which features
work with which phones. Also you might want to browse the bitpim mailing
list archives, this will provide you with a lot of good general information. 



Dave Thayer           | Whenever you read a good book, it's like the 
Denver, Colorado USA  | author is right there, in the room talking to 
dave@thayer-boyle.com | you, which is why I don't like to read 
                      | good books. - Jack Handey "Deep Thoughts"

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