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using "extra" keys


Next to the power button on my Medion MD 41300 are 5 extra keys
(mail/WWW/...) I'd like to use.

I have read about hotkeys so I tried to find out which keyboard matches
the keyboard of this laptop but these keys don't generate keycodes, at
least xev doesn't report anything when I press them.

In my /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 I have set the XkbModel to pc104 and the
XkbOptions to altwin:meta_win.

Is there anything else I must configure to use these keys?


# Mertens Bram "M8ram"   <bram-mertens@linux.be>   Linux User #349737 #
# SuSE Linux 8.2 (i586)     kernel 2.4.20-4GB      i686     512MB RAM #
#  6:48pm  up 11 days  8:38,  9 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.34, 0.22 #

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