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Re: wireless network problems

Hi Nate,

If you were in Texas you weren't too far from me--I'm in New Mexico. Anyway, still no luck connecting with the network. My access point (an orinoco RG-1000) functions as a dhcp server, and hands out ip addresses to the two laptops I have at home on the network. (At least that's the way I think it works in Windows and in Xandros, a commercial debian derivative) I'm in windows right now, so I can't check the /etc/network/interfaces file, but I think the first line in the file is something like "inet eth1 dhcp" which was put there automatically during the network configuration stage of the installation. You mentioned dhcp packages that might have to be installed. Would you happen to know what the packages are called? During installation I configured pcmcia support , then installed wireless modules (orinoco and hermes), set the hostname, and configured the network using dhcp. All of this was done using the bf24 kernel with woody release 2. I've been wondering if I missed something during installation, which isn't unlikely because I've only been working with debian for a few weeks now (not to mention congenital blockheadedness).

Happy new year,


Nate Duehr wrote:

On Saturday 27 December 2003 09:53 pm, Tim Folger wrote:
Hi Nate,

Thanks for the quick reply. Here's what iwconfig produces: (I had to
copy it by hand and reboot into windows)

lo no wireless extensions

eth1 IEEE 802.11-DS ESSID: 1ecb13: Nickname: "Folger"
Mode: Managed   Frequency: 2.412GHz Access Point: 00:02:2D:1E:CB:13
Bit Rate=11Mb/s  Tx-Power=15dBm  Sensitivity:1/3  RTS thr:off
Fragment thr:2347B  Encryption key: off Link Quality:27/92 Signal
level: -69dBm
Noise level:-96dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0   Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag: 0
Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

Hi Tim, Sorry it's been a while since I replied, I was travelling to Texas for holidays. From reading this message and some of the follow-ups it sounds like the card is working perfectly and associating with the Access Point, and the problem is in either getting an IP address (DHCP problem, or dhcp packages not installed) or routing.

How is it coming along, did you have any luck in getting it to talk to the rest of the network? Do you have a DHCP server somewhere on your network and do you have your network scripts set up to use DHCP, or were you planning to use a static address and set the router IP appropriately?

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