Install trouble with PCMCIA on Thinkpad 560Z
I'm attempting to install Debian on a Thinkpad 560Z, and am having
trouble getting PCMCIA to work. All permutations that I have tried
have resulted in:
- cardmgr starts and logs that it is watching 2 slots
- neither inserting my network card, nor having it present at boot,
results in cardmgr noticing anything
- neither the ne nor pcnet_cs drivers will load
My network card is know to work; it has operated fine in my other
laptop (a Toshiba Libretto) for years. It's a generic NE2000 thing,
not cardbus.
Various /proc files are present for the slots; they're definetely
found by the i82564 driver.
Attempts to load the cs driver in polling mode or with the "wakeup"
option have made no difference.
I have tried using the potato and woody boot floppies, including both
2.2 and 2.4 kernel variants. At least two other users have web pages
reporting no particular trouble installing potato from floppy like
My options under boot-floppies are somewhat limited; the environment
contains cardmgr but almost none of it's peripheral data files. One
is evidently expected to load the proper driver by hand after it
configures and powers up the slot, but I find no evidence that it is
doing so, there are never any log messages after cardmgr finishes
It is unclear if the old boot-floppies can be made to work with a
newer 2.4 kernel and its pcmcia-cs-free hotplugish PCMCIA support. I
will be trying that tonight.
Is there something obvious I am missing here? Has anyone out there
seen this problem before?
Grant Taylor - gtaylor<at> -
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