Autodetection and configuring of devices! Need advice
Hi ppl,
I'm currently runnig a small distribution meant for terminal services, like,
X, Citrix, RDP and VNC. Which is installable on a disc with just dd, which
makes it very easy to deploy on hundreds of machines during a day.
For the moment i'm running on Sarge together with tools from Knoppix like
hwsetup and mkxf86config which are really nice. And it works like a dream!
But I would like to run it on Woody since Sarge updates too often, -but the
Knoppix tools runs only on Sarge or Sid. Got the picture?
Are there other tools I could use?
Discover for all hardware, -but
What should I use for X
What should I use for Mouse?
Joakim Nordberg
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