Hello all, I got an old acer laptop (p2/233) from a fried that has some problems. The metallic claws that hold the LCD are rust & thus it's hard to open/close the screen, so the plastic covers of the screen got broken. I opened the screen & tried to fix it, but these claws/holders must be replaced. I contacted acer.it (the nearest to Greece, acer's support center as mentioned on its homepage) 2 weeks ago via e-mail but still no answer. Anyone has a clue or something ? The laptop works great, besides that problem & I'd like to have working on the road. I know my post is not debian-specific, so pls consider sending me private mails for replies instead of the list. -- Manolis Tzanidakis (mtzanidakis-at-freemail-dot-gr) Jabber: mtzanidakis@jabber.org ICQ: 102798230 GnuPG Key Fingerprint: 5CA5 41D6 09F1 C4B9 C331 65EF 4B3F 6979 EB8C 88F3 Get my public key at: pgp.mit.edu
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