X11 forwarding problem
Hi all,
thanx to the debian-laptop readers (and others), I've finally got my WLAN card
up and running... (Linksys card with prims2 driver, for those interested...)
I quickly ssh-ed into my desktop machine and fired up an xterm...
Cannot open display, bla bla...
I *did* do the normal 'xhost +laptop', ssh -X desktop, and export
DISPLAY=laptop:0.0... I even tried 'xhost +'... I still get the "cannot open
display" error...
The WLAN uses TCP/IP, so I would reckon that this should work... which it does
on all other Debian machines I use...
Ideas? Need I make the X11 server aware that it may accept connections, other
than with xhost?
PhD Molecular Representation in Chemometrics
Dept. Analytical Chemistry
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