Re: Rio Riot
> of course I have consulted before asking ;-) But it
> seems like it doesn't work... Not even with the newest CVS
> Versions of the programms mentioned.
What about just using the rioutil Debian package? Just in case
you get it to work there is a (small) survey about free music
for portable music players
|=| Werner Heuser = Keplerstr. 11A = D-10589 Berlin = Germany
|=| <wehe at> T. 0049 - (0)30 - 349 53 86
|=| UniX on Mobile Systems: HOWTOs,Software
|*| This is no time for phony rhetoric -- Lou Reed
Reply to:
- References:
- Rio Riot
- From: Maximilian Pascher <>
- Re: Rio Riot
- From: Werner Heuser <>
- Re: Rio Riot
- From: Maximilian Pascher <>