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Re: Probleme mit Netzwerkgeschwindigkeit (PCMCIA/Kernel 2.4.20)

On Wed, 25 Jun 2003 08:11:32 +1200
criggie <criggie@criggie.dyndns.org> wrote:

> On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 18:36:29 +0200
> "Christoph Maurer" <christoph-maurer@gmx.de> wrote:
> > When copying data between my laptop (Acer TM 520) and my desktop
> > computer lots of collisions occur and the speed is very low (about
> > 100 kB/sec.) 
> > Both computers are running woody with vanilla-kernel 2.4.21. 
> > My desktop computer has a 10Mbit ethernet adapter using the ne2kpci
> > driver, my laptop uses a D-Link DFE 650 pcmcia card (pcnet_cs
> > driver). Both are connected via a ethernet hub (no other computers
> > in the network)


had the same problem some long time ago.
solved it by buying a SWITCH (not a hub) as I was told that the
collisions occured when the computers exchanged the "acknowledge" infos
upon receival of packets. don't blame on that, I'm not quite sure it's
true, but hey, since I have the switch it works really great !!
BTW, the switch is also 100MBit and costs around 50euro in Germany
(assuming from your subject: )


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