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Re: Annoying full screen when mozilla opens

On Thu, May 29, 2003 at 07:30:58AM +0200, niklas adolfsson wrote:
> Sometime yesterday i noticed that everytime i open mozilla or 
> mozilla-mail it opens up in full screen. How can i get mozilla to 
> remember the last screen size it had when i closed it? It just started 
> this behaviour yestarday and now i cant find any settings make it hold 
> the last screen size.
> niklas
I've seen this on my laptop with both Mozilla and Firebird after
visiting a site which redrew Mozilla to full screen.  Worst part was
that I could not reach the bottom window controls to resize it.  Usually
I can move the window up a bit off the top of the screen and then resize
it to what I want and close Mozilla.  Well, to allow some bit of
flexibility in this you could start moz with -height xxx -depth yyy
switches and then size the window the way you want it.  This works for
me most of the time but other times moz is more stubborn than I am and
it keeps the size.

BTW, I am using windowmaker here.

Michael Perry | Do or do not. There is no try. -Master Yoda
mperry@lnxpowered.org | http://www.lnxpowered.org

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