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Re: Debian PC Requirements

seitvel@fas.harvard.edu writes:

> Derek, there is swap... I run "swapon -s" and it gave me exactly the picture you mentioned, except that swap is hda6, and the size is 979924 - which I think is close to 1 GB... However, the problem is that "used" part is zero - why's that? Can I do something to make linux use it? Computer is freshly restarted, so may be it is only that there is nothing yet in memory to dump it to swap? 
>  Filename     Type            Size    Used    Priority
>  /dev/hda6   partition       979924    0        -1
> Regarding the speed: I actually rethought it and yes, Linux is
> not really slower than win2k - it boots up faster, and it
> looks like when fully booted, it uses less memory than windows
> 2000... However, once Gnome or particularly KDE is started,
> then it just turns into hell - even Abiword starts somehow
> two-three times slower than MSWord starts in
> Windows... Evolution starts in probably 10 seconds... may be
> it is because those desktop environments and programs are slow
> themselves and it does not have to do anything with Debian.. I
> am a user primarily, so I noticed the slowness of the overall
> performance when compared taks-by-task Linux vs. Windows and
> my subjective perception was that Linux is appreciably
> slower...  

 Start some kind of performance meassuring tool in a separate
window before starting your applications. Easiest would be to
use top. Then when you start your word processor check what
changes with the machine. If the word processor sucks 100% of
the cpu then there are probably nothing you can do about it, but
if your cpu is idle but for running top, and you have a high
value of iowait instead there might be something wrong. Hard to
say what without investigating further, but it might just be
that you have a very slow harddrive, or you might have
misconfigured something with a) the filesystem(not very likely)
or b) the network setup (more likely).

Torbjörn Pettersson               #  Email   tobbe@strul.nu
Vattugatan 5                      #  Web     www.strul.nu/~tobbe
S-111 52  Stockholm, Sweden       #

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