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Re: Large HD problem(s) with older Laptop

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 20:35, Glenn Becker wrote:
> Successfully replaced my 2.1G HD on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 470CDT with
> a 30G-er I won off eBay. Re-installed Win98 (ecch) and just for the hell
> of it, checked the drive size ... it seems to be only 8G.
> I've heard of older machines having a "large drive" problem, but was

That's only for older operating systems.  Linux 2.2 will probably only see 8G 
by default (but can be forced to recognise the rest if you pass the 
appropriate parameters).  Linux 2.4 should recognise the full size of the 

> wondering what - if anything - could be done about it. I'm downloading
> an IBM app called Disk Manager 2000 that is supposed to do something
> about this, but it may do the trick only for the Windows end of things

I recommend avoiding such software.  While it may help things for BIOS-using 
software such as Windows, it will not change things for Linux (Linux does not 
use the BIOS).  So you may end up with Windows and Linux having vastly 
different ideas about how the drive is configured (which could have 
disasterous results).  Also such software generally wants to take over the 
MBR which can cause problems with finding a suitable way of running a Linux 
boot loader (LILO or GRUB).

I suggest using Linux 2.4 and not using drive space >8G in Windows.

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