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Re: kcore eating my disk space

On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 14:24, David Gardiner wrote:
> Thanks Andrew, Olaf and Scott for your quick replys,
> The reason I noticed it was because my used disk space jump up to 100% 
> and I started looking for what using it. du in the root directory gave
> root@munchkin:/# du -hs *
> 2.6M    bin
> 2.9M    boot
> 4.0k    cdrom
> 68k     dev
> 9.4M    etc
> 4.0k    floppy
> 7.7G    home
> 4.0k    initrd
> 18M     lib
> 16k     lost+found
> 4.0k    mnt
> du: `proc/580/fd/3': No such file or directory
> 257M    proc

Of course all these files tend to cluster together - for maximum effect
I would be looking to reduce that 7.7G.

Since you posted to debian-laptop, I guess you're using one.  I'd
imagine it is pretty normal on most laptops that /home would end up with
all the crap too :-)

Here's mine, for example:

kant:/# du -hs *
2.5M    bin
11M     boot
4.0K    cdrom
124K    dev
22M     etc
4.0K    floppy
29G     home
4.0K    initrd
20K     lan
23M     lib
16K     lost+found
4.0K    mnt
4.0K    music
14M     opt
4.0K    photos
20K     plato
3.1G    postgres
du: `proc/15126/fd/3': No such file or directory
516M    proc
43M     root
6.6M    sbin
3.0M    tmp
32K     user
3.5G    usr
2.9G    var

I've decided it's cheaper to spend money on a bigger HD than to spend
time on removing cruft though.

Now when I go looking for cruft I can look for really big cruft, making
it correspondingly easier to find.

Andrew @ Catalyst .Net.NZ Ltd, PO Box 11-053, Manners St,  Wellington
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