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What is Knoppix? (Was: Why is X-config not so easy as Knoppix ?)


first thanks for your hints and tips to run X with woody on my laptop.
I solved it with a combination of woody's Xfree86-config-4 file and a
config file I found in the Internet.

Knoppix is my tip for you to test if laptop hardware is supported. With
Knoppix-CD you can start a live system without writing on the hd,
automaticaly reconizing hardwardware... - just 2-3 minutes waiting and
your system from CD is running.

Knoppix show me that my externel USB-Sounddevice U2A from 
Egosys is running fine :-)

What is knoppix?

KNOPPIX is a bootable CD with a collection of GNU/Linux  software, automatic 
hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI 
and USB devices and other peripherals. KNOPPIX can be used as a Linux demo, 
educational CD, rescue system, or adapted and used as a platform for 
commercial software product demos. It is not necessary to install anything on 
a hard disk. Due to on-the-fly decompression, the CD can have up to 2 GB of 
executable software installed on it.

So wouldn't be the skripts from knoppix usefull for Debian, too?


PS: I may sounded angry - but I 100% shure that Debian is the best,
and I'm thankfull for all Debian-developer (GNU, Linux developer, too:-)

And I'm willing to support free software, too. OK is wrong on this list,
because it will free software for radiostudios:

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