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Re: Wireless Setup with 2.4.18

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>>>>> "ROUSLAN" == ROUSLAN DEMIANIOUK <asrrd6@uaa.alaska.edu> writes:

ROUSLAN> I've installed woody on my notebook and have wireless
ROUSLAN> connectivity automagically.  Now I want to use 2.4.18 kernel
ROUSLAN> (for better agp, ext3 and better power management). As soon as
ROUSLAN> I compile a new kernel wireless connection is gone (I can no
ROUSLAN> longer find that interface, no matter what I do).  What should
ROUSLAN> be done to restore (preserve) the wireless connection and what
ROUSLAN> steps -> tools -> packages are needed? Are there any nice
ROUSLAN> HOWTOs on this topic (2.2.10 to 2.4.18 PCMCIA transition,
ROUSLAN> wireless setup and all)?  Any first hand experience and step by
ROUSLAN> step instructions are welcome.

You may need to compile the pcmcia drivers too -- get the pcmcia-source
package.  2.4.x kernels have their own pcmcia drivers, based on the
pcmcia-cs stuff, but there are still some differences between them, so
sometimes pcmcia-cs works but the built-in kernel doesn't.  If you use
the pcmcia-cs modules, you may need to turn off PCMCIA support in the

- -- 
Hubert Chan <hackerhue@geek.com> - http://www.geocities.com/hubertchan/
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