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Re: Advice take two :)

Søren Neigaard <neigaard@e-box.dk> writes:

> Ok I have looked at gnome.org, and saw some different windowmanagers
> and themes. Could anybody give me a primer, do I have to install then
> one by one, or do they all come in one package? What is my next step?
> I'm use to Mandrake, where I can pick between them at login. I don't
> need that, I just need one, but what to choose then, and how do I
> install it?

If you aren't sure what to use (except that you want to use GNOME), I
suggest you just install one for now: "apt-get install sawfish-gnome".


Bruce Stephens			Bruce.Stephens@MessagingDirect.com
ACI Worldwide/MessagingDirect	<URL:http://www.MessagingDirect.com/>

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