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Re: Why Linux on a Laptop?


My laptop gets used as the beta site for a number of web applications I
maintain (not on my domain, but others).  It's nice to have a full
PostgreSQL or MySQL (as needed) database, Apache, PHP and all the tools
to fiddle around with on the laptop and then just copy the working code
to the "production" machines.  These sites are just personal ones,
nothing fancy, but it sure is nice to have my development environment be
almost a carbon-copy of the production machines.

I've even been toying with loading Oracle on the laptop, but that seems
a bit much... heh.

A lot of "downtime" in airports, restaurants, and other public places
can be replaced with "hacktime" too when the laptop can do
dual-booting... GRIN.


On Fri, 2001-11-30 at 01:39, Alec wrote:
> Hi
> I'm wondering what everyone's motivation is for using Linux on a laptop 
> instead of Cygwin + Windows. The way I see it, a laptop is basically a giant 
> PDA. People usually use them for typing down stuff during classes, seminars, 
> conferences, in the library, for presenting (powerpoint) material, or for 
> keeping all their mail and personal archives in one place, etc. Laptops don't 
> get used much as servers or development workstations, are they?
> Alec
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