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Re: ssh port-forwarding and UDP-connections

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>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Moss <tim@to11.org> writes:

Tim> ssh only does TCP forwarding.  I think this software is kind of
Tim> experimental (I've never used it) but it might work for what you
Tim> need.  http://www.math.ualberta.ca/imaging/snfs/

I know the guy who wrote that stuff.  He was right across the hall from
me until I changed Universities, and he was a co-owner (and
co-administrator) for one of my group's machines (a dual Alpha w/ 3GB of

We used the SNFS stuff to mount a partition on one of his machines, and
it's been working fine.  (From what I can tell at least -- I never used
the remote partition.)

We had to do it this way, because the net admin's there are really
strict about security.

I don't think there's anything there about UDP, though...

To the OP: what is the UDP service that you need?  Would IPSec (never
used it) work for you?

- -- 
Hubert Chan <hackerhue@geek.com> - http://www.geocities.com/hubertchan/
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