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Re: What's your favorite inexpensive Linux laptop?

On 15 Jun 2001, Forrest English wrote:

> my fav so far is the IBM thinkpad 240.  the winmodem is even
> supported, and easily so by using some drivers lucent put out.  it's
> got an ess solo1 sound card, which is well supported already.  sure
> the screen might be a bit small for some people...

	I second this recommendation. I also have an IBM TP240, it is an
excellent, portable, Linux box. The APM support, especially with regard to
"nearly" instant on/off, works just fine. Though both CDROM and floppy are
external, but I rarely find a need for either with a 6GB HD. 

> but, i got mine for $700 maxed out with ram, and they only weigh 3
> pounds.

	Looks like you got a better deal than me... :) I paid $900 for
128MB RAM, 6GB HD, and extended life battery. But I bought my mother one
recently (she liked mine and wanted one of her own, though it does run
Win98 :( ) for just $600 with the same specs, minus extended life battery,
so it looks like they are dropping in price. Note that both of these are
the older 240 model, not the newer 240X that IBM is currently selling.

	My two cents.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."                    |
|                                            --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)   |
|   Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  |  http://www.rkirkpat.net/   |

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