Re: Laptop suggestions
i've used a thinkpad 600, 365XD and currently a 240. the 240 is the best
of the bunch, and can be had on ebay for less than $700 (if you're
looking for an ultalight)
the windmodem in the 240 was even easy to get working (considering i'd
never used a modem under linux before in 2 years of using it). and the
soundcard is supported in the kernel (a lot of laptops cards work very
poorly under the OSS drivers).
anyhow, thats my thoughts.
On Wed, 6 Jun 2001 17:29:08 +0200, Lukas Ruf whispered to the router:
!!All the others already have given the links '-)
!! I use an IBM TP 600x under Debian. It simply runs -- and it works
!! perfectly!
!! --lpr
!! PS: squeezing all that's possible (and I know of) out of the configs
!! power saving makes the laptop run up to fours on battery --- well
!! the battery does not get defective....
!! On Wed, 06 Jun 2001, Jonne wrote:
!! > Hello there!
!! >
!! > I have a very brief question. I'm not that familiar at all with
!! > Debian, I used it a while back, although not a lot, and I certainly
!! > qualify as a GNU/Linux neophyte. Enough with the introduction.
!! > Anyway, I've as of yet never used Debian on a laptop, and I'm
!! > looking into picking up laptop computer, and I'm wondering if you
!! > have any suggestions as to what I might want to pick up -- more
!! > along the lines of manufacturers whose computers work well with the
!! > latest version of Debian, rather than just the latest spiffy models,
!! > since I'm not sure what I can afford.
!! >
!! > Any personal experiences, or anything at all would be very helpful.
!! >
!! > Pax.
!! >
!! > --
!! > Jonne ( [25878630]
!! >
!! >
!! >
!! > Praise 'Bob'! Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!
!! >
!! > -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----
!! > Version: 3.12
!! > GU/L d- s-:- a--- C++ UL P+
!! > L+@>++++ E@>++ W++ N(++) !o K++
!! > w !O M- !V PS++@ PE Y+ PGP(+)@
!! > t+@ 5 X+(++) R tv--@ b+++(++)
!! > DI D++ G++ e>++++ h---@ r++ !z
!! > ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
!! >
!! >
!! >
!! >
!! >
!! > --
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Forrest English
"America is at that akward stage, it is too late to work within the
system, but too early to start shooting the bastards"
-Claire Wolfe
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