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Re: The Xircom RealPort Ethernet 10/100O+Modem 56 REM56-100 card...

> As far as the software is concerned, RealPort cards are the same as the older
> credit-card type cards.  I presume the chipset inside is the same series.  
> CEM56 is quite correct.  Especially if it works (which it does for me).
> Your computer seems to be identifying your card perfectly fine.  If you look
> at the Window$ drivers, you'll see they're CEM56 compatible too.

So, basically, what you are saying is that I must use the CEM56 entry on pcmcia
config file, right? The support for the RealPort REM56G-100 is included in
the CEM56 entry in the config file.

Even if I do that my ethernet doesn't  handle  autonegotiation:
	(from the logs):
		eth0: autonegotiation failed; using 10mbs
		eth0: MII selected
		eth0: media 10BaseT, silicon revision 5
		eth0: Xircom: port 0x300, irq 5, hwaddr 00:10:A4:E3:6E:E6
		ttyS02 at 0x03e8 (irq = 5) is a 16550A
	cardmgr[165]: executing: './network start eth0'
		eth0: switching to 10BaseT port
		eth0: autonegotiation dailed; using 10mbs
		eth0: MII selected
		eth0: media 10BaseT, silicon revision 5
		eth0: autonegotiation dailed; using 10mbs
		eth0: MII selected
		eth0: media 10BaseT, silicon revision 5
	cardmgr[165]: executing: './serial start ttyS2'

And when I do a 'ifconfig eth0' the output is:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:A4:E3:6E:E6
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
          Interrupt:5 Base address:0x300

So my ethernet card is only configured for 10mbs tranfer, and since I 
only have a serial port configured, I can use the modem (configuring it 
with pppconfig and using /dev/ttyS02), but the ISDN Connection kit is 
not ready  for use. Is this right?

What can I do for a sucessful autonegotiation?

Thanks in advance,
Ricardo Diz


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