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Re: Failed Installation...

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Ellery <michaelellery@yahoo.com> writes:

    Michael> Hello, Recently I downloaded the floppy disk images of the latest
    Michael> release (2.2.17r1) of Debian to Install on a Toshiba (T4700CT)
    Michael> Laptop Computer. The installation appears to complete successfully
    Michael> using the Compact version of the Root, Rescue and Driver disks,
    Michael> unfortunately when I attempt to boot into my new system, the
    Michael> following messages appear (shortly after INIT enters runlevel 2):

    Michael> /bin/sh: exec: /sbin/termwrap: cannot execute: No such file or
    Michael> directory /bin/sh: /sbin/termwrap: No such file or directory

I don't seem to have an /sbin/termwrap either.  Did you have some previous
version of Linux on your computer before you installed potato?  My guess would
be that it's picked up part of the old installation somehow.


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