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Which version of Debian should I use?

Hi everybody.

I've been reading this mailing list for a short time now, but from what
I've read so far, Debian 2.2 is not yet elaborate enough for installing
it on a laptop with a PCMCIA card.

I have a cheapo 10mb/Ethernet card that is ne2000-compatible in my old
IBM Thinkpad 750P (486/33). At the moment I'm running Debian 2.1r4
without any problems, but my desktop PC is a SuSE 6.3. I want both
systems to run the same distribution, but unfortunately XFree 3.3.2 that
comes with Debian 2.1r4 doesn't support my PC's graphic card.

Can I get Debian 2.2 to run without any problems or should I wait for
the final release?

Another question:

I've been using Debian 2.1r4 for about 2 weeks now and I still haven't
found out how to 'configure' packages that are already installed. I
know, that several packages include a *conf programme (pppconf, etc.)
but not all of them. I had to --purge and -i apsfilter several times
before I could get my printer to work, since I couldn't find any setup
utility that I could invoke after installation.


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