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Re: sound on 8100

I am only guessing here, I don't have the experience to be sure:

If the PCI bus is on IRQ 11 then all PCI devices must also be on  IRQ 11 except
for the PCMCIA ethernet card (my ethernet card is on IRQ 3 my sound card (Not
PCI) is on IRQ 5) My video card, USB controller as well as the CardBus bridge
(PCMCIA) all live quite happily on IRQ 11 however they all have different memory
addresses (a memory address looks something like; 0xfcfff000).

You said earlier you were running windows? Go to the control panel and print the
devices to your printer, this should give you the IRQ's and memory addresses
that windows uses.  Check the windows output against  /bin/dmesg  perhaps your
memory adresses overlap?  Does windows put the sound card on IRQ 11?

Failing this contact the authors of the drivers, their contact adresses should
be listed in the kernel documentaion.

Send a detailed description of your problem, give them all the information you

I reccomend sending detailed reports to the sound card maintainer, the cardbus
maintainer, the ethernet card driver maintainer as well as possibly the video
card maintainer.

Here's a test for you: without X windows running use mpg123 or something similar
to play sound whilst sending / copying files across your network until it locks
up, just to eliminate the possibility of it having something to do with the
video card driver (be prepared to spend some time doing this to make sure).

The driver maintainers will have a good understanding of IRQ's, memory adresses
and the like and will be able to soon tell if its only some simple problem.

Best of luck,

Peter Firmstone.

Norman Walsh wrote:

> / Todd Weaver <todd@zenwerks.com> was heard to say:
> | > Now, on my desktop machine, I can tweak the PCI IRQs from the
> | > BIOS setup menus, but that doesn't seem possible from the Toshiba
> | > setup screen, unless I missed something.
> |
> | You missed nothing, I cannot either (which doesn't mean it isn't possible,
> | but it sure seems like it isn't)
> |
> | > Help?
> |
> | are you using osslinux393k-2215-UP.tar.gz?
> | with a 2.2.15 kernel?
> I am.
>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm
> --
> Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | It is not enough to be exceptionally
> http://nwalsh.com/            | mad, licentious and fanatical in order
>                               | to win a great reputation; it is still
>                               | necessary to arrive on the scene at the
>                               | right time.--Voltaire
> --
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